Quote of the day

”You guys don’t give things chances. I don’t know why that is.”

”That’s because we know what we want and we don’t mind being alone.”

— True Detective




It has been quite a long time since my last post. 

I finished my phD last month.

I have moved to Bonn and started my new job.

I love Bonn, it is a nice city, and I love my new flat. But I barely know anybody here. Fortunately it is not far from Aachen.

Life is so much different now, very busy, very stressful.

I hope I can still have some time for cooking, photography and blog.


the view from my balcony


Merry Christmas

May the light of love shine upon you and your loved ones ♥

My Christmas look is simple, red, red, and more red. 


Perfect fragrance for Christmas

Jo Malone

Cute Jasmin and her tiny Christmas tree 🙂


The season of chocolate

Chocolate box

One year

It is really a very nice expericence to have this blog. Someone has asked me if no one visits my site and there is no ”like” will I still keep it up. Well, actually I don’t care about how the other people think about my blog. There are so many different reasons why people blogging.  But for me it is just like a random diary, and I do it rather for myself than for other people.  When someone happens to like one of my posts, I am really appreciated. I also read other blogs now and then, not quite often, cause I don’t have so much time. But  it is also very interesting to follow some extraordinary blogs and get to know people who are very different. Anyway, there is much fun with blogging.  

Happy mother’s day

Mama, I love you ❤ ❤ ❤

happy mothers day

”Unless it’s mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of your time.”

I read this blog today and would like to share some parts here. More importantly, I want to remind myself  not to repeat the same mistakes as I made in the past years all over again and not to waste my time any more.

( The complete post is here: http://jamesmsama.com/2014/03/25/5-reasons-you-should-never-settle/)

You can settle for less than you deserve in many areas of life. A job you can’t stand going to. A man or woman you don’t know why you’re waking up next to, a car you hate getting into – but let’s talk about relationships, and why you should never, ever, settle for less than you deserve.

You’ll always be doubting yourself.

Why is it, exactly, that you can never decide if you’re actually happy or not? Maybe you’re content…comfortable…but are you happy? I don’t know. Could you do better? If you could, then why aren’t you? Is this it? Really…is this as good as it gets?

Self doubt is crippling. It follows you around in life like your shadow, and there never seems to be enough shade to shake it. If you settle for less than you deserve in a relationship, never having the freedom to truly be happy and let go of worry will haunt you.

You’ll never be truly fulfilled.

Part of the beauty of having ambitions, goals, and dreams in life is to have someone to share in them with. A partner, a teammate, someone to support and encourage you when times get rough, and to celebrate with you on the brighter days.

That’s not to say you can’t be fulfilled and happy if you’re single, of course you can. But the worst of all, is being with someone who does none of these things for you. Someone who is discouraging, or lazy, or doesn’t support you. Someone you’re planning a future with who has no future plans for themselves. Each step of life will feel like you’re pulling a little anchor behind you.

You won’t grow as much as a person.

Another great thing about having someone as part of your life is the lessons they can teach you. The new perspectives and outlooks that you would’ve never thought of before. The new experiences you can share in together – maybe things you wouldn’t have done without them.

If you settle into a relationship just for the sake of having someone, you will be defeating this purpose altogether. While there will be someone in your life, the insatiable thirst for life won’t be there. Waking up and going through the motions of daily life is merely existing, not truly living. You deserve someone who will add new logs of wood onto your fire for life, not someone who throws water onto it.

You won’t feel real passion.

To steal a line from Dreams For An Insomniac – Unless it’s mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life; love shouldn’t be one of them.

When you are attracted to someone’s looks and appearance, there is intensity. But when you are attracted to someone’s spirit, their soul, their whole being, there is real passion. If you settle for less than you deserve or want in a relationship, you are robbing yourself of the real passion that comes along with it.

Life is too short for average. Plus, it’s just as close to the bottom as it is to the top.

Settling for less than you deserve in a relationship is like filling your bathtub with happiness, but your partner is always poking holes in the floor without you realizing it. Building a solid foundation with someone will always feel like an uphill battle, only you won’t be able to see the summit.

Life is about progress and forward motion – don’t give your time to someone who hinders yours, you can never get any of it back.


Suffering from jetlag, painful…


Yayo by Lana del Rey


Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! Today is the first day of the year of the Horse.

Plum blossoms and the Chinese character “福” will bring you good luck in the new year.

happy chinese new year

Maybe you don’t know my hometown Chengdu, but you must know Panda. Yes, Chengdu is also the hometown of Panda. This pair of cute cartoon Panda with traditional Chinese outfits will bring you a lot of wealth in the coming year.

happy chinese new year 2

In many regions of China dumplings are the most popular food for the celebration, especially on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. There are so many different types and my favorite is the pan fried dumplings. Yummy 😀

happy chinese new year 3

This week in photos

1. Shoes obsession

I was losing my mind again and bought 3 pairs at one time 😦


2. Nice to sweet you 😀

shopping spree in Lindt shop, preparing the trip back home for Chinese spring festival (Chinese new year)


3. Someone was getting one year older…

Birthday wishes from Frankfurt (Ramona, how lovely to be your friend <3)


4. Surprise from USA (Clemens, you are the best friend ever! Schoen, dass es dich gibt :D)

chocolate bars with potato chips and beef jerky???????????? 😛  How should they taste???????????


5. BANG!  From my Chinese fellows!


6. Let’s get the party started! Ladies Night with Lynn.


7. Ever tried Hot Pot (Sichuan Style) ?

Sichuan is my hometown and very famous for its cuisine. Hot Pot is one of the best. This was the birthday dinner with my friends in a Sichuan Restaurant in Aachen. HEAVENLY!


The way I am by Ingrid Michaelson

I am sitting next to the window, starring at the sky…

A very bad day…


(by iphone)

So many traces left by airplanes,

Can’t just one of them TAKE ME AWAY?

(from internet)

The edge by Cheer Chen

I sat on the chair watching the rising sun revitalise
I sat on the setting sun looking at the feeble city
I pluck a leaf, may it represent me
To observe the changes after I left

Talks of dashing, dancing and greed in the past
Begins to rot as the heart gets cold and wet

Let the rain corrode those that cannot be taken or thrown away!
Let it be pushed towards me on the border
And struggle daringly

If there is a cuddle, bravery waive off all consequences
Prevent me from flying and take me up tenderly

I consign whatever that cannot be taken away or retained.
Let it wave around care-freely as it holds onto my palm

If there is a turbid world beyond words
Forgive me for flying as I once hold sentiment for the sun

If there is a turbid world beyond words
I will fall in love with it madly

If there is a cuddle, bravery waive off all consequences
Prevent me from flying and take me up tenderly

Forgive me for flying as I once hold sentiment for the sun

Translated by http://gordonator.com/2009/02/26/cheer-chen-qi-zhens-new-album-songs-translation/#comment-21634

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